“Blue Mind” about blue and ocean pictures

I have been looking for information about how the ocean and ocean photos affect mind and psychological health. I am so happy to find this book – “Blue Mind”!
(I sent a letter to autor of this book and can’t wait his answers!)
“Blue Mind” is a term coined by marine biologist and author, Wallace J. Nichols, in his book titled “Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do.” The concept of Blue Mind refers to the positive effects that being near water can have on our mental and emotional well-being.

According to autor, our brains are hardwired to react positively to water and being near it can have a calming and relaxing effect on our minds. This can result in reduced stress, increased creativity, improved mental clarity, and enhanced feelings of happiness and overall well-being. Nichols also emphasizes that it’s not just the physical presence of water that can be beneficial, but also our emotional connection to it.

More information about this wonderful book and autor here – https://www.wallacejnichols.org/

I would like to say Thank you (again!) to Dr. Wallace J. Nichols and post a few quotes that impressed me from this book.

“When marketers and psychologists have asked people with qualities they associate to blue, they use words like “credibility”, “calming”, “clean”, “focused”, “cleanliness”, “openness”, “depth” and “wisdom” Emotionally, blue is associated with trust, confidence, and dependable strength: is any wonder that companies such as Facebook, AT&T, Lowe’s, American Express, HP, IBM, Wallmart, Pfizer and Vimeo use blue in their corporate logos? <…> Other investigation have confirmed this soothing effect. For example, researches in Japan trported that people who set next to a blue partition while playing a video game had a more regular heartbeat and reported that they felt less fatigued and claustrophobic than those who sat next red or yellow partition.” (Page 87-88)

“Several years ago the government installed blue lights in high-crime areas as well as railway stations. Crime dropped by 9 percent, but more important, suicide attempts in the blue-lit areas ceased altogether.
Such a decrease may be due to blue’s calming effects – or perhaps its ability to enhance cognition.”(Page 91)

“In one fascinating survey, people recovering from heart surgery looked at one of three scenes shown on panels at the foot of their beds. One scene showed an enclosed forest, another – a view of open water and a third an abstract design or blank white panel. As is consistent with other findings, patients looking at nature scenes needed less pain medication; what is especially interesting, however, is that the anxiety levels of patients viewing the open water scene were significantly lower than for those looking at the enclosed forest.” (Page 203)
Welcome to my ocean-themed HOME DECOR STORE, when you can find a lot of blue products!
And don’t forget about DEEP BLUE OCEAN COLLECTION (others blue’s shadow collections will be available soon – I have 200+ designs for it!)
10% of profits support Beach cleanups and Ocean animals.
Thank you for stopping by!

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